I just love reading Stephanie’s posts. They always relate and speak to me.



Too often in today’s society, Christianity is viewed at as a religion that has these rules and guidelines of how to live.  When in fact that is not what it’s all about. Or at least that is not what it was meant to be about. We seem to put God in this weekly calendar by going throughout the week, “church Sunday”, check, “church Wednesday”, check, and that is where it stops.   We don’t focus on the reason we go to church, but rather being seen at church.  People may ask, “What do you mean, being seen?”  And by that I mean exactly what it sounds like, to be seen by people so that they can get this self-satisfaction, or maybe an, “I’m holier than you feeling”.  The only reason I say that, is because I use to be that person and have to battle continuously to not become that person again.


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The World Race

In July, I am leaving for the World Race. It is an 11 month mission trip and I have a blog through their website.

I am raising support for my trip. It costs a total of $15,500. There is a link under my profile picture on my World Race blog to support me.

Please share the blog to friends and family! I need all the prayers you are willing to give from now until the end of the trip. Of course, I could always use prayer warriors!!

Thank you all!

Chapter 3: Interactive Technology

In this chapter, the interactive technology of microworlds is explored.

“Microworlds present students with a simple model of a part of the world”
(Hanna, 1986, p. 197) allowing learners to control those phenomena and construct deeper-
level knowledge of the phenomena they are manipulating.

For some reason, when I read this I thought of the movie Inception. This type of technology is much like the idea in the movie that you can create your own reality. I have used such technology in my Physics class last semester.

Another environment discussed is simulations. My roommate is in nursing school and has used a variety of simulations for medical training. My uncle is a Delta pilot and is now working in Atlanta with flight simulations and helping to teach and further learning for upcoming or current pilots. I feel that it is a great way to feel as though you are experiencing the real phenomenon, but without the risks involved.

SMART Board Activity

The lesson I chose was for my mentee, Jasmine. She is in 5th grade at Timothy Road Elementary. She loves Math and for their Extended Learning Time we have been working on algebraic expressions. She loves track and most every sport, so I liked the layout of this activity.

Click for lesson:  Jasmine Math Lesson.

Creativity & Innovation Video

I decided to use my little sister, Tess, who is a freshman at Auburn University for my actress in my video! She is on the women’s soccer team there and I knew she would be willing to help me out.

This is a video of her performing a few basic soccer skills you would normally see during a game.

Kelly is so cute with her creative ideas 🙂 First, I need a boyfriend… ha


I decided that for my creative blogs I am going to create lists! First list: creative date ideas

1. Go to the airport and watch planes take off.

2. Ice-skating during the winter- go out for hot chocolate/coffee after.

3. Group date: scavenger hunt at the mall- get an outside party to create the list- require photo evidence.

4. Go to a local animal shelter and play with the puppies 😀

5. Build a fort with blankets and chairs inside (or if you want to get REALLY creative, try to build a fort outside!)

6. Hammock on a fall night and watch the sun set.

7. Go to four different restraunts: one for drinks, one for appetizers, one for the main meal, and one for the dessert (make sure you pick the best restraunts in each of those fields).

8. Make bucket lists together- what do you want to do before you die?

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2am thinking…

Sometimes I frown upon getting minimal sleep, especially in college, but sometimes it is very useful. Late at night.. early in the morning.. are the times when people have less distractions & more time to think. Not just to think about daily occurrences, but to think about the things that really matter in life.

I was reading over the quote “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”.

Whether we like to admit it or not, everyone has a few enemies throughout their lifetime. It doesn’t matter if they stay in your life or not… there will always be a few people that God intended to put in your life for lessons and not to become your bridesmaid or groomsman.

It is a weird feeling to just take a second, clear your mind & think about what you were doing, your attitude, your goals, your ambitions, your lifestyle, your friendships, your relationships- exactly one year ago from today.

As bad as I am with remembering certain things, I could definitely tell you what my life was like a year ago. I am blessed to have gone through some of the things I did because it led me to where I am and the person I am right now.

I feel like this new year of 2012 has brought some light into people’s lives & I am starting to see New Year’s resolutions of being more positive shine through. It’s especially evident on social networking sites, which we are all guilty of checking at least once every day.

Taking a negative moment from your day and replacing it with a positive thought or action is always more refreshing.

Breeze in the Air

Well, today was an absolutely refreshing day. I cannot complain one bit about the warm weather we have been having since the new year started. I am such a beach girl and would do anything to be able to spend hours soaking in the sun and relaxing by the calm ocean waves everyday of my life.. which is why I will be living by the water one day. 

14 days until spring break.. I don’t think I can manage the anticipation for Key West. I went for the first time last year and absolutely loved it! It is such a unique spring break spot. I grew up always going to Destin, Florida and one year in PCB (not a fan). Key West has a small town atmosphere and doesn’t seem as touristy as other beaches.. mainly because the beach area is so much smaller. There are also a lot of wind surfers out on the water the majority of the time. I’m going to make it my mission this year to rent a board and try it. 

Last year we stayed about thirty minutes before the “downtown” area in Key West, called Big Pine Key. Our friend’s great aunt and uncle have a house there, so we couldn’t pass up a free offer. The most interesting part was that there were always small families of deer right around their house every single day. Who sees deer at the beach? Here’s a picture they got of me trying to take a picture of one.


I was afraid they would run off, but this one just kept eating the left over food we put out for them. I feel like the only time we interact with deer in Georgia is when we accidentally encounter them one night on a back road. 

I will also mention how my car door got annihilated by a guy driving a huge truck on a one way street in the downtown area. Not such a great end to our spring break, but the perfect weather and crystal blue waters made it all worth it. 

I’ll end with a picture of a windsurfer I finally found on my computer.


May 2024